Friday, March 23, 2007

Man commits succide by Hanging over land in Pader District

Land wrangle is spreading like wild bush fire with a lot of inters clan, and family dispute amongst the Acholi in Northern Uganda.

On Thursday, Residence of Pader Town Council had a reason to answer bad morning after they woke u only to fine Sisto Ongom one of the residence in the area hanged himself on a tree over land wrangle with his younger brother.

Its alleged that Sisto Ongom picked a quarrel with his younger brother Charles Onen over how to share their ancestral land as displace people are returning back to settle to their home.

“He accused his younger brother of selling their ancestral land to strangers. Elders of the clan tried to settle the dispute but it seems he was not satisfied with the resolution and today he decided to hang himself,” said James Okidi Alfred the elder brother of the late.

Kerodina Adong the wife of Ongom told New Vision at the scene that during the day, Ongom over drunk alcohol and went to sleep earl by 7:00 pm in the evening only to wake up at around 3:00am put on a touch light and started writing a letter.

“I asked him why he was writing the letter at night but he didn’t reply me. He just went out and disappear in darkness only to be found dead in the morning,” Adong explained.

Police search the body of Ongom and found the letter he wrote and addressed it to his younger brother Charles Onen.

“My brother Onen, since you have decided to sell our ancestral land to strangers and refused to share the money with me your blood brother. I have decided to kill myself so that I don’t suffer and become a laughing stock in this world. Land was the only asset we had and life without it is meaningless. Enjoy the money you got from the land sales. But remember to take good care of my Children and wife,” the letter reads partly.

Pader Local Administration police commander ASP Benson Okoda took the later and asked close relative and witness to go and make statement with police.

Pader RDC Santo Lapolo accused Acholi opposition politicians for making land issues alarming now causing a lot of disputes and wrangles amongst the clans and family members in the region.

“Our MPs are to blame for all that is happening. They incited the locals and now people are fighting and killing themselves. They set fire, so they should come and defuse their fire. Otherwise many people will is going to fight and die over land issues in Acholi,” Lapolo said.

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